The SQTR-3B is a single channel unit capable of generating 1090 MHz Squitters, 1030 Mode S Uplinks, and Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) Squitters. The SQTR-3B, which replaces a previous product the SQTR-3, is compliant with DO-260B and DO-282A. An option is available for the SQTR-3B to receive Mode S squitters (SQTR-3BR).
1.1 Manual Description
The SQTR-3BB provides capability for generating ADS-B information (1090 MHz DF17 Squitters and Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) Messages) and 1030 MHz Mode S Interrogations. The purpose of this manual is to provide instructions for use of the SQTR-3BB.
1.2 SQTR-3BB Function
The SQTR-3BB provides capability for generating the following signals:
Simulation of forty-five (45) 1090 MHz squitters (10 moving and 35 stationary)
Simulation of ten (10) UAT messages
Simulation of 1030 MHz (Modes A, C, Mode A/Mode S All Call, Mode C/Mode S All Call, and Mode S) interrogations
The SQTR-3BB provides capability for generating scenarios for generating airborne targets transmitting data via ADS-B, either UAT messages or 1090 MHz DF-17/18/19 squitters.
The Waypoint data for each target can be set. The GPS position (latitude and longitude) of each target can be set to occur at a selected time. The SQTR-3BB will generate the moving GPS position between each waypoint. The scenario can be set to run for a specific time or the SQTR-3BB will continue to simulate a moving target after passing the last selected waypoint (unless a scenario run-time length is set in the System Setup screen.
Each target can be configured for specific event-points in which various actions can be programmed to occur. The actions that can be configured include:
Event Squitter Data – Event-driven squitters
Surveillance Status
-Special Position Identification (18 second)
-Permanent Emergency Alert (Alert)
-Temporary Alert (Squawk)
RF Level Offset from RF Level selected in System Setup screen (0 to +31 dB)
Change status (change or unchanged) of Squitter types (DF 11 Acquisition, DF 17/18 Surface Position, DF17/18, DF17/18 Airborne Position, DF 17/18 Airborne Velocity, or DF17/18 Identification and Category) selected in 1090 Target Setup screen
Encode data in Type 23 (Test), Type 28 (Aircraft Status), Type 29 (Target State), or Type 31 (Aircraft Operational Status) Squitters